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About us

JJ Coaching, Ltd. has been developing gradually since 2009. Today we specialize in the field of leading others while considering persons as individuals who represent the source of talent and driving force of each society. We also help with the implementation of lasting and positive change in leading people in small, medium and international organizations. Our current team consists of people with corporate, foreign and training experience.

Jitka Jetlebová Ing. Ivana Poláková
Mgr. Jitka Jetlebová, ACC(ICF)
jednatelka společnosti, exekutivní kouč
Ing. Ivana Poláková
lektor, konzultant, trenér a kouč

We all share the passion for new HR trends and non-traditional approaches in the area of leading people which is based upon empirical knowledge of neuroscience. We deal with issues which lead to balanced organizational culture such as support of exceptional women, shared organizational values and inclusion.

Our vision is to provide organizations and its teams with leading programs tailored to their needs which will reinforce the inclusive, friendly yet highly effective organizational environment.

We also like to work with individual clients who are willing to work on themselves to move at a faster pace towards their goals.

We coach according to the worldwide respected methodology (ICF) Brain-Based coaching based on applying findings from neuroscience.